Untitled Short Story in English :)

  • "Ach was solls", dachte ich mir gerade. Ich schreibe seit über vier Jahren mal wieder etwas, da will ich auch ehrliche Meinungen hören. Die Grundgeschichte habe ich vor Jahren mal geträumt und bis vorgestern fehlte mir der Ankerpunkt. Nach einem aufschlussreichen Selbstgespräch in einem meiner Notizbücher kam ich zu dem Schluss, dass sich der Stoff super für den Doctor anbietet. Also warum nicht?
    Die Story selbst ist auf Englisch, weil... keine Ahnung, mein verwirrter Geist die eben in Englisch auf den Plan rief. Wo die Muse küsst und so 8|
    Sie dürfte vor Fehlern strotzen. Tut euch keinen Zwang an und zerreißt das Teil in der Luft oder bewundert es. Ohne Kritik bleiben die Dinger eh in meinem Kopf stecken. (und dann kann ich nicht schlafen :( )

    Hier ist jetzt erstmal der Anfang. Ich habe zwar schon einen Teil in der Mitte geschrieben, aber die Teile müssen noch aneinander gefügt werden. Das mache ich jetzt gerade. Aber ich will einfach wissen, ob der Anfang schon nett ist :)

    Ich habe noch keinen Titel. Aber wenn ihr einen braucht, dann ist er "Die Nacht war schwül!"

    Here we go

    Flames licked out of the „Honesty's“ hull. „Honesty“, what a name for a warship like this. Carina and her crew were watching in terror as the first links of the ship's balloon were snapping from their holdings. Her brother was commanding that ship; he would die. But interfering, just by rescuing a single person would mean interfering in this stupid war. Her first mate put a hand on her shoulder.
    “We can't help them, you know that. Their war is not our war. We don't want any of this. Do us … Do yourself a favour and let us sail away.”
    “I don't know if I can stand this any more Every day there's a battle now. I...”
    Another impact shook the “Honesty's” hull. Carina started her way back to the quarterdeck.
    “Enough! We are going to rescue them. Screw those gods and screw the Great Highos!”
    “Your madness will mean war!”
    Carina grabbed the steering wheel. “Well...” She took a look on every of her man on deck.
    “Then there will be war!”
    Doing a turn, she steered the ship right into the battlefield.

    Inside the TARDIS the Doctor fought a battle on his own. Running frenzied around the middle console he was pressing this button, turning this wheel. However, the blue box did not stop to whoop and stutter; the noise got intense the more he tried to fix anything.
    One second there was blinking, shaking and beeping, the next moment every single machine stood still. The silence was deafening, the lights went out.
    “Hah. What did I do? Where are we?” The Doctor did a quarter-circle, checked the instruments, frowning. Everything was dark. He stroked gently over the middle glass tube.
    “My dear, did I say something to you? What's wrong with you?” It made no difference, the TARDIS stayed catatonic. He shook his head and walked to the door.
    “Okay, then let's see what's out there!” He turned on his heels “And you stay here like a very fine time machine!”
    The Doctor pushed the doors wide open, stepped outside, took a look around and got hit by a piece of wood. It knocked him directly the ground. The rooms was shacking and vibrating violently. Lying on his back he took out the sonic again and scanned the surrounding area carefully with gadget and eyes. He was lying in a wooden cabin, hardly 10 square yards big. Just big enough for the TARDIS and him. On of the walls had a hole, giving view to a blue sky.
    “This is a ship?!”
    A shadowed face an the point of a gun came into his view. The shadow started to grumble.
    “The heck are you?”
    The Doctor stretched away his hands. “Well, hello! I am the Doctor”
    “A doctor? The seas have send you, we need but a doctor for sure. You come with me!”

    Bei dem vorletzten Satz bin ich mir unsicher. wenn das so falsch ist, bitte sagen, wie es richtig ist :)

    Wenn ihr einen Sänger, Synchronsprecher oder Schauspieler sucht, fragt NICHT mich. Ich neige dazu "ja" zu sagen - aber eigentlich will das keiner

  • Well, the content of your story seems to be interesting. But I have to say that your sentence structures have quite often this typical vibe of German grammar, which is slightly irritating to me. You know what I mean ? So maybe it would be nicer if you would switch to German language. Or as we say in German: "Shoemaker - stay by your ledges !" ;)